Consultancy Tenders in Ethiopia
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Latest Consultancy Tender in Ethiopia
Partnership For Pastoralist Development Association (PAPDA) is Seeking a Reliable Local VPS/ Cloud Server Provider for Hosting Kobo Toolbox and ODK
Reporter (Mar 12, 2025) CALL TO PURCHASE Partnership For Pastoralist Development Association (PAPDA) operates across four regions of Ethiopia: Somali, Oromia, Afar, and South Ethiopia, covering 15 zones and 34
The SINQEE BANK S.C Hereby Issues a Request for Proposal Document, Here in After Called RFP, to Vendors to Participate in the Competitive Bidding for Providing Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Integration of (ZDLRA) Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance
Reporter (Mar 12, 2025) Part 1-Invitation – Retender for Bid Request for Proposal (RFP) for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Integration of Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) Procurement Reference number:
Children’s HopeChest Wishes to Invite Interested and Eligible Consulting Architect Firms to Submit Their Technical and Financial Proposal in a Separate Sealed Envelopes for the Design Works of Youth Development and Market Center at Shone Town, Central Ethiopia Region.
Reporter (Mar 12, 2025) Children’s Hope Chest Invitation to Bid Children’s Hope Chest (CHC) is a foreign charity, non-governmental organization, which was established in 1994 to equip orphan and vulnerable
Gadaa Bank Now Invites Sealed Bids from Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution
Reporter (Mar 12, 2025) Invitations to Bid(National Competitive Bidding)ITB No. OT/04/2024-25 Gadaa Bank S.C. has allocated a budget towards the cost of procurement of goods and services, and it is
Ethiopian Archives and Library Service Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Consultancy Service
Government (Mar 11, 2025) Invitation for Bid Procurement of CONSULTANCY SERVICES/የማማከር ስራዎች 2017 Lot Information Procurement Reference Number: EALS-NCB-C-0043-2017-PUR Object of Procurement: Procurement of CONSULTANCY SERVICES/የማማከር ስራዎች 2017 Award Type:
Cordaid Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Documentary Film Production and Photography for the PBF Project at Schools in Shabe Sombo District of Jimma Zone
Reporter (Mar 12, 2025) Terms of ReferenceDocumentary Film production and photography for the PBF project at schools in Shabe Sombo district of Jimma zone Background Cordaid is a Dutch, international
The Ethiopian Petroleum Supply Enterprise Invites Sealed Bids from Eligible Bidders for the Design, Fabrication & Supply of Pre Engineered Steel Building (PEB) C/w All Required Mounting Accessories, Including Top Running 2ton Single Girder Electric Overhead Travelling(EOT) Crane
Ethiopian Herald (Mar 12, 2025) Invitation to BidProcurement reference number: Bid No.27/2017 The Ethiopian Petroleum Supply Enterprise(EPSE) has funds within the Procuring Entity’s budget to be used for the procurement
የቡልቂ ቴ/ሙያ ትምህርትና የሥልጠና ኮሌጅ የትምህርትና ሥልጠና/ጽህፈት መሣሪያ ዕቃዎች፣ የአይ ሲ ቲ ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች፣ የኮንስትራክሽንና የጅ.ኤም ኤፍ ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች፣ የጋርመንት ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች፣ የዉድ ቴክኖሎጂ ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች፣ የክሮፍ ፕሮዳክሽን ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች እና የአኒማል ፕሮዳክሽን ዲፓርትመንት ዕቃዎች ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል
Addis Zemen (Mar 11, 2025) የጨረታ መስታወቂያ በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ክ/መንግስት ቴ/ሙ/ት/ሥ/ቢሮ በጎፋ ዞን ቴ/ሙ/ት/ሥ/መምሪያ የቡልቂ ቴ/ሙያ ትምህርትና የሥልጠና ኮሌጅ ለ2017 በጀት ዓመት በመጀመሪያ ዙር በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ቀጥሎ በተጠቀሱ ሥልጠና
በምዕ/ጐ/ ዞን /ዩ የዳሞት የገ/ህ/ስ/ማ ኒዬን ኃ.የተ የ5 ዓመት ስትራቴጅክ ፕላን ማስጠናት እና የስኳር ማጓጓዝ ትራንስፖርት ማጫረት ይፈልጋል
Be’kur (Mar 10, 2025) ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ የወጣ ግልፅ ጨረታ ማስታወቂያ በምዕ/ጐ/ ዞን /ዩ የዳሞት የገ/ህ/ስ/ማ ኒዬን ኃ.የተ የ5 ዓመት ስትራቴጅክ ፕላን ማስጠናት እና የስኳር ማጓጓዝ ትራንስፖርት ማጫረት ይፈልጋል ፡፡ ስለሆነም
Dire Dawa Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project Now Invites Sealed Bids from Eligible Bidders for Ayalegungune to Mudi Anano Unpaved Gravel Road Construction
Ethiopian Herald (Mar 11, 2025) SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE PROCUREMENT OF WORKS NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BID (NCB) (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Name of Project: Lowlands Livelihood
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