EGP Tenders የመንግስት ግዥ ጨረታዎች

EGP Tenders የመንግስት ግዥ ጨረታዎችን ይመልከቱ። አሁኑኑ ይመዝገቡ

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Anesthesia Accessory

Ethiopian Road Administration Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Construction Works of Seleklaka-Shire- Heavy Maintenance Project

ወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለተማሪዎች ምግብ ቤት አገልግሎት የሚውል የበርበሬ ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Geological Institute of Ethiopia Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of File Shelf

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Installation of Oxygen Manifold System

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Therapeutic Ultrasound

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Laparoscopic Tower with Set

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Biosafety Cabinets

የሀገር መከላከያ ሚኒስቴር የታሸገ ውሃ ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Cefepime and Omeprazole

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Conference Table

Space Science and Geospatial Institute Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Car Rent Service

ጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለካንሰር ጨረር ህክምና ክፍል የሚውል የጀኔሬተር ባትሪ ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Artificial Intelligence Institute Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Laptop Computers

Livestock Development Institute Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Toner