EGP Tenders የመንግስት ግዥ ጨረታዎች

EGP Tenders የመንግስት ግዥ ጨረታዎችን ይመልከቱ። አሁኑኑ ይመዝገቡ

Ministry of Defense Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Pharmaceutical Service and Maintenances

ኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራል ፖሊስ የተለያዩ የፅዳት ዕቃዎች ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Dire Dawa University Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Library Seating Chairs

FDRE Center for Constitution and Federalism Training Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Car Maintenance

Adama Science and Technology University Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Vehicle Spare Part

መቐለ ዩኒቨርስቲ የመንገድ ቀለም ቅብ ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

St. Peter Specialized Hospital Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Community Pharmacy

Ethiopian Health Insurance Service Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Hotel Service in Bishoftu

የአፍሪካ አመራር የላቀ አካዳሚ የመኪና ሶፍት ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Arbaminch University Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Stationery Item

ዲላ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የበሰለ ዳቦ ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

የኢትዮጵያ ጉምሩክ ኮሚሽን የወንድ ከረቫት እና የሴት ከረቫት ግዥ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Woldiya University Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Mills and Kitchen Equipment

Wollega University Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Sanitary Material

Ethiopian Sport Academy Invites Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Interior Renovation Work