Komari Beverage PLC

(Feb 05, 2025)

Request for Expression of Interest (EOI): Supply of Goods and Services.


Komari Beverages PLC was founded in 2017 and is strategically located approximately 96 kilometers from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The company commenced production in April 2021 and has since established itself as a significant player in the Ethiopian beverage industry. It offers its flagship ready-to-drink beverage, Arada, in three distinct flavors. Our commitment to quality and innovation has rapidly grown our customer base and enhanced the drinking experience.


We aim to enhance our operations and continue delivering exceptional products to our growing customer base. As part of this commitment, we seek reliable and innovative suppliers who can provide high-quality goods and services that align with our vision.


We invite expressions of interest by companies/ businesses/ organizations for the provisions of goods and services in the following categories.

Industrial Chemical Supply


Supply of maintenance and IT equipment and software


Supply of Computers, laptops, printers, scanners, photocopiers, Projectors, cameras & IT related accessories and equipment




Citric Acid

Toners & cartridges


Hydrochloric Acid FG

Supply and installation of communication equipment


Alkaline Cleaner (Caustic Soda Flakes 99%)

Security Equipment & Spares (CCTV & Access Control)


Provision of Internet and Web Hosting Services


Oxides (HCL 9%)


Solar power system and UPS, battery.


Oxonet (Sodium Chlorite 7.5%)


Computer Hardware, and software (ERP, CRM, Sales application, mobile application, and others).


Kuriverter IK 110


DivoBright VB4

Supply & Maintenance of Servers, storage, and cloud service.


Anti-Scalant for Bottle Washer (Polix XT)

Marketing and Branding


Sodium Chloride

POSM (Branded promotional materials), Truck branding


Hypofoam VF6

ABS Poster


Chain Lubricant




General Supplies


Professional and consultancy services



safety compliance Audits

Office Stationery


Sustainability Consultant

Pest Control


Environment, health, and safety awareness training

Safety Equipment & materials


Laboratory Management & Analysis training

Servicing of Fire Extinguishers


waste management programs

Servicing of Nitrogen gas refill


Onsite Health Screenings

Office Equipment repair and maintenance


Logistics and Travel

Supply of Bottled Water


Provision of Freight, Cleaning, and Forwarding services.

Canteen servicing (for our factory located in Cheki 96 KM from Addis Ababa)


Air ticket and booking service




Domestic Mail Delivery Service


Small and medium vehicle rental service


Medical and safety supplies (Pharmaceuticals)


Vehicle and Equipment supply and maintenance

First Aid Kits

Vehicle accessories and repairs

Face Masks

Vehicle maintenance

Safety shoes

Supply of Lubricants

Medical Gloves

Supply of Tire, Car Battery, motor

First Aid Medication


Laboratory PPE

Meetings and Workshops at Debere Birhan

Laboratory equipment

Meetings and Workshops Addis Ababa

Laboratory Chemicals


Human Resource

Factory Building floor and Roof maintenance

Recruitment Agencies

Factory Machinery maintenance

Security service


HR and employee capability training servicing

Insurance service


The Applicant shall prepare the EOI and include all requirements mentioned below:

  • Full Registered name of the Organization and Company Profile which should not exceed twenty-five (25) pages, including printed brochures.
  • Latest/renewed Business Registration Certificate, including Articles of Incorporation, or equivalent document if the applicant is not a corporation.
  • Copy of Valid VAT and Tax clearance certificate.
  • Trade name registration papers, if applicable.
  • For the chemical supply (a Certificate of Analysis (COA), material safety data sheet (MSDS) and technical data sheet (TDS) should be presented).
  • Quality certificates and/or other similar certificates, accreditations, awards citations, and Certificate of competency received by the supplier, if any.
  • Environmental compliance certificates, accreditations (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000), and other evidence of the supplier practices that contribute to the ecological sustainability and reduction of adverse environmental impact in its business practices.
  • Comply with all applicable EHS regulations and standards in Ethiopia and any relevant international standards.
  • Joint Venture, Consortium, and/or association agreement, if the supplier is submitting the expression of interest on behalf of another entity located In Ethiopia or outside the country.
  • Minimum Three letters of reference from reputable clients.
  • Proven track record with at least 3 years of experience in the industry.

Firms/individual consultants:

The applicants shall provide a brief description of their firm(s)/ individual profiles with legal mandates/authorized business activities, year and country of incorporation, core area of specialization, expertise and types of activities undertaken structure, and organization diagram.

Technical requirement

Interested suppliers should submit their responses based on the above detailed basic requirements.

Submission of Responses

Interested applicants should take note of the following submission guidelines:

  • Interested suppliers should submit their responses to this EOI in soft copy addressed to eoi@komari.com  to reach out no later than March 15, 2025.
  • Any request for clarifications shall be submitted by email marked the subject line of the email as “ EOI Clarification” at the following email addresses: eoi@komari.com
  • EOI submissions should be made ELECTRONICALLY ONLY and marked “Expression of Interest-Supply of Goods and Services” in the subject of the email. Komari Beverage may reject any EOI that is not compliant with the requirements stated in this request for EOI.
  • Komari Beverage will use a set of unified criteria to evaluate the qualifications of Applicants. Eligible Applicants will be assessed in one stage process for compliance with the requirements set out in this request for expression of interest. Each Applicant will be assessed on a “Pass/Fail” basis as to whether each criterion is satisfactorily met.
  • Application Deadline March 15, 2025.