Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Program

Addis Zemen
(Jan 29, 2025)


The Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Commission invites all eligible contractors to submit their sealed bids for the construction of a toilet facility in Addis Ababa, Koshe,

Details of the Bid:-

  • Project Description: Construction of a toilet facility
  • Location: Koshe, Addis Ababa
  • Eligibility: Open to contractors with a Builder Grade 5 and below.

Requirements for Submission:-

  1. A renewed trade license for the current Ethiopian fiscal year.
  2. A valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) and VAT registration certificate,
  3. A copy of your registration certificate as a contractor,
  4. Proof of prior experience in similar construction projects.
  5. Submission of 2% CPO from a recognized bank,

Bid Submission Details:-

  • Bid Collection Period: Starting on the 10th ensuing days of this announcement during working hours (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM).
  • Bid Submission Deadline: The 11th day of this announcement is at 10:00 AM.
  • Bid Document Purchased price: a nonrefundable fee of 400 (four hundred birr) in cash
  • If the 11th day is a holiday the deadline will move to the next working day.
  • Submission Location: Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Commission, near the African Union.
  • Bid Opening Date: The 11th day of this announcement is at 10:30 AM in the presence of bidders or their legal representatives.

Additional Notes: –

 Late submissions will not be accepted,

The organization reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, in whole or in part, without assigning any reason,

For further information, please contact us at:-

Phone: +251 911 079 926/+251 912 685 673


Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church

Development Commission