Kombolcha Poly Technic College

Ethiopian Herald
(Jan 25, 2025)







Country: Ethiopia

Name of the Project: East Africa Skill for Transformation and Regional Integration

Project (EASTRIP)

Project ID: P163399

Credit No. 6335-ET

Reference No:ET-ET-KOMOBOLCHA-471498-CS-LCS

Assignment Title: Consultancy Services for Conduct Tracer Study focuses on Kombolcha polytechnic college graduates in the academic year of 2023/2024 GC

Procurement Entity: Kambolcha Polytechnic College (KPC)


The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received a fund financing from the World Bank toward the cost of East Africa Skills Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP), The World Bank is financing an East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP), which initially involves sisteen Regional Flagship TVET Institute (RFTI) of three East African countries including Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. The Project’s development objectives are to increase access, improve quality of TVET, and facilitate regional integration. The objectives and results of the project will be achieved through.

  • Strengthening 16 selected Regional TVET flagship institutes out of which 7 are found in Ethiopia; and Kombolcha Polytechnic College (KPTC) is one of the institutes, which specializes in the field of transport with focus to the Automotive Sub-sector.
  • Creating national TVET enabling environment and
  • Enhancing regional collaborative capacity in TVET and project coordination.
  • At the Institute level, the objectives of the project will be achieved through
  • Strengthening govenance and management
  • Institutionalizing industry links
  • Developing market relevant and competency-based training programs,
  • Training of TVET managers and teachers trainers;
  • Provision of key training facilities and equipment;
  • Outreach and support for non-project national TVET institutes

One of the project beneficiary TVETS among the others under this project is the Kombolcha Polytechnic College in Kombolcha City Administration which is found in Amhara region, Ethiopia. Accordingly, as one of the project activities, Kombolcha Polytechnic College has planned to deploy a consultant to get the required services of the consulting services, ie for conduct a tracer study to measure the relevance of Kombolcha polytechnic college training programs and the number of graduated trainees who have been employed or unemployed in their fields of training and self-employed, as well as to assess their skill gaps for further training curriculum review and to design new curriculum.



The primary objective of this tracer survey is to measure the relevance of Kombolcha polytechnic college training programs and the number of graduated trainees who have been employed or unemployed in their fields of training and self-employed, as well as to assess their skill gaps for further training and curriculum review and new curriculum design.

The Specific objectives of the assignment

  • To provide adequate information on the where about and skill adequacy and employability of TVET graduates
  • To learn how effective and efficient training centers are meeting their objectives of creating qualified skilled labor force
  • To learn the entrepreneurial attitudes among graduates for self-employment
  • To assess the skills gab and training needs of the TVET graduates
  • To identify changes in the labor market demand.
  • To know the number of trainees finding employment on the field of occupations they had been trained.
  • To asses why unemployed trainee graduates could not be able to find employment in the labor market
  • SCOPE OF WORK: the consultant will be required to do the following basic pre,and post activities including the others
  • Design the whole survey procedures with the college management and PIU staff, and present
  • Upon signing the contract produce an inception report detailing the research design (including, research questions, data collection methods, sampling method, and data collection tools and data analysis plan) in close consultation with PIU, and the college management.
  • Review and comment on the survey instruments, format the questionnaires
  • Recruit and train the enumerators for the phone interviews of the pilot test and main survey
  • Develop survey manuals (including phone interview protocol), and others based on the objective of the study
  • Prepare and submit a survey completion report to the client, which describes (i) final sample size (indicate non-traceable respondents), (ii) how survey was implemented, (iii) issues with implementation, including logistical problems, response rates, etc.


should have the following skills and experiences and Team composition:

Skill and Experience

  • Demonstrated experience in conceptualizing, devising and conducting/engaging in Tracer Study or similar works/ research,
  • The Consulting firm should have at least 6 years’ experience and track records on conducting the similar survey and also have a strong team to carry out the assignment.
  • Demonstrated ability in advanced both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
  • The Consultant should have experience in designing, developing and implementing surveys in educational institutions including universities, public and private agencies and employers’ associations
  • Demonstrable experience in using statistical software such as STATA, SPSS, or other data analytic techniques and tool,
  • Knowledge of the regional context will be considered.

Team Composition

  • Team composition: The consulting firm is expected to have a good mix a minimum of five professionals having the following qualification and work experience;
  • Team leader should have MSC/MA in statistics/economics/ Education/ Business Social Science/Electrical & digital application with minimum 10 years’ work experience in labor market studies and Business research or related assessments.
  • Statistician: should have MSC in statistics with minimum 8 (eight) years’ work experience in data collection and analysis in a research firm.
  • Mechanical or Automotive Engineering: should have MSC in Mechanical or
  • Automotive Engineering with 8 (eight) year’s work experience in Automotive sector

Criteria for Short listing:

  • Qualification and Experience of the firm such as general and relevant experience (technical competency), technical and managerial capability of the Firm ( particularly in Education sector, Particularly TVET)
  • Past performance on Client contracts
  • Quality of Officials/Key Personnel of the Firm in line with the stated above skills, and criteria.

Method for selecting consultants,

The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the Least Cost Selection method (LCS) set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers dated July 2016. Revised November 2017, August 2018 and Nov. 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Interested Consulting Firms may obtain further information and the Terms of Reference for the Consultancy assignment at the address below from 8:30 AM-12:30 AM and 2:00-5:30 PM local time from Monday to Friday before the deadline date and time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in person, by post or Email to the address below. Within 10 working days after the announcement.

How to Apply:

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below.

Kombolcha Poly Technique College

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address and no later than 10 days of this advertisement:

Kombolcha Polytechnic College Project Implementation Unit Office;

The City of Kombolcha Kebele 12 (at the back of NOC Gas station kombolcha city);

Office Telephone: 0923 435 3277 0940 666 338/0335 516 384

Fax: 0335512491, P.O.Box: 383.

Email: koceth@gmail.com 

Kombolcha Polytechnic College

Kombolcha City Anshara Region Ethiopia

East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration