SWEPR Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP)
Ethiopian Herald
(Dec 31, 2024)
Request for Bids for the Procurement of Small Works
(One-Envelope Bidding Process)
Country: Ethiopia
Project Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP-H), South West Ethiopia People Region (SWEPR)-Regional Project Coordination Unit (RPCU) Lose Net IDA-75190
Contract Title: Procurement for the construction of Unit-Garamuji un paved (gravel) access road 31 Km length (DC-2) in Goba Woreda, Kafa Zone
Reference No.-ET-SWE-RPCU-466670-CW-RFB.
- The Government of Ethiopia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project phase Two (LLRP-ID)) and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contracts for the Procurement for the construction of Ufit-Garamuji unpaved (gravel) access road 31 Km length (DC-2) in Goba Woreda, Kafa Zone
- The Southern West Ethiopia Peoples Regional (SWEPR), Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project Phase Two (LLRP-1) Regional Project Coordination Unit now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders having Road contraction Licenses or General contractors has Three (3) years of similar work experience in road construction up to bid submission date & Audited financial report for the last 5 (Five) years shall be submitted, the contractor must demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position and indicate its prospective long-term profitability & detail qualification requirement as set out in the Bid Document Section Three. 3) Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Procurement using Request for Bid procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers Procurement in Investment Project Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, Fifth Edition, September 2023 Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants, revised as of July 1, 2016; and the provisions stipulated in the Legal Agreement and other provisions stipulated in the Financing Agreements
- Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from SWEPR, Low- lands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP II), Regional Project Coordination Unit Procurement Officer Daniel Mitiku with the email: danielitiku2121 gmail.com and inspect the bidding documents during office hours 8:30 am 5:30 pm at the address given below.
- A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application and copies of the necessary renewed license to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of ETB 700.00 (Seven hundred birr only). The method of payment will be by using Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Ace: 1000454234638, Pastoral & Lowlands Area Affairs Bureau, and should summit the Bank receipt. The bidder should come up with a hard copy or submitted by hand to the regional project coordination Unit to collect the bid document
- Bids must be submitted to the address below on February 3, 2025, GC until 2:30 PM in the address mentioned below number 12.
- Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and those who choose to attend at the address below on February 3, 2025, GC at 3:00 PM.
- All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of ETB 3,000,000.00 (Three Million birr only), in the form of a CPO (Cash Payment Order) or Unconditional Bank Guarantee. The bid security is valid for 120 days after the bid opening date 9) The bidder must summit one original and two copies of both technical and financial documents sealed in one envelop
- Bidders should attach a letter of testimony for the current performance of the projects they have taken and it is preferable not to take the bid document with poor performance
- The employer has the right to cancel partially or all bids in the best of alternative advantage
- 12) The address referred to above is:
SWEPR-Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP-II)
Regional Project Coordination Unit (RPCU)
Atta: Regional Project procurement Officer
Mizan-Aman A long Mizan Local Market In front of Edan Hotel
Tel:+251-913 413 705/09 16 176 288
Mizan-Aman, Ethiopia
South West Ethiopia Peoples Regional state Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project